Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Cloth Settings

Link to post with screen caps of cloth settings from the Newtek forum dress anim cloth thread - worth a look re: settings - a good starting place perhaps.

ClothFX discussion

"I see you need help check out this thread.


After you reveiw this one then move to this.


Scripts, Plugins and Macros for MODO

MB6 what's new (pdf)

PiSong Models for download


T4D new website design

Includes LW menu and Free plugin list


Compositing Radiosity character/shadows

- Render your character only against black with alpha in one pass
- Render the floor shadow buffer of the render (with your character unseen by camera).

Combine in post.

Slinky Spine Rig

SQ thread with dloadable rig, tute to come

Friday, September 24, 2004

FPrime viewer

"FPrime Viewer is a Windows application that allows you to view FPrime final renders, which can look quite different than FPrime preview renders. It has the following features:

1. Images are automatically and seemlessly updated as they are refined by FPrime.
2. You can scrub through your frames and even play animations.
3. You can view images remotely across a network."

MODO forum cgtalk

MODO is out, the cgtalk forum may be worth lurking a little to see what people are doing with it and get an idea whether it's any good

Army of Darkness Animation Session on cgtalk

Dialogue 1:
Ash: "Now I swear, the next one of you primates who even touches me. I'll kill you!"


Dialogue 2:
Ash: "Clatto! Verata! Nn(coughcough). Okay then - that's it."


(and just quietly, looking at the filenames there could be more samples on that server, from that movie)

Walking Heel to Toe

This tutorial hosted on the Newtek site was brought up in the spinqaud "so you want to learn rigging thread." It looks like it takes you under the hood of a setup along the lines of what's good about the feet in the Simplerigger rig... but I haven't had a chance to check it out yet. Probably worth referring to when doing an advanced custom rig.

Thursday, September 23, 2004

Action in Ambient Occlusion thread

OK, here is a quickly put together PDF - I apologise for any typos, bad advice, etc in advance!

Also included is a quicky Ambient Occlusion LScript shader I built as a way to come to grips with the concepts... Its pretty simple, though LScript is a little slow for shaders!

The source code is heavily commented - Hope everyone enjoys it...

Attachment: occlusion.zip

ResPower review

The online render service reviewed in this Spinquad forum thread

Jeanphi's Rigging notes UPDATED

Just a note to say that the zip download with this tutorial has been updated to include more rig variations and test cases.

And also has been updated from an HTML point of view, to make them more accesible to everyone.


Dependant Films


Low poly modeling tute (orc)

Great looking low poly modeling tute.

Kung Fu tools - David Ikeda

A whole lot of (FREE) plugs in this pack - rigging stuff and other workflow helpers:

"Find SGons - Finds and selects skelegons using a text-based search similar to what you'd find in a word processor.

Replace SGons - Finds and replaces the names of skelegons using a text-based search similar to what you'd find in a word processor.

Select Child/Parent - selects child/parent skelegons. Unlike Lightwave's 'select child/parent skelegon' tools, these display a quick dialogue box when multiple children/parents exist with hotkeys to let you quickly choose which child/parent to move to next. The plugin will also activate the skelegon's associated weight map as you traverse down the skelegon tree if the weight map exists.

Make Symm - makes pairs of points symmetrical.

Symm Manager - a tool for automatically repairing symmetry in your model in a way that's more accurate than SymmRepair. Instead of just using a threshold, it finds the closest match on both sides and performs some additional operations to make sure that points aren't mismatched. It also allows you to view and select which points are asymmetrical and need repair.

SGon Manager - a tool that lets you select, find, replace, delete, and mirror groups of skelegons. When mirroring skelegons, the plugin will also flip their bank handles properly across the X axis, something which Lightwave's native mirror tool fails to do (leading to rotational inconsistencies on opposite sides). It also renames the mirrored skelegons and associated weight maps properly based on your preferred naming style which you can specify.

Weight Manager - this is a tool that lets you select, find, view, mirror, and delete groups of weight maps. It also lets you preview what points are affected by specific weight maps within varying thresholds and also allows you to view how the vertices on the opposite side will be influenced by the mirrored weight map."

TA facial tool discussion

Forthcoming Facial Anim tool from Tim Albee discussed in this Spinquad thread.
Due for release by Xmas (2004) from Kurv studios - price not announced yet.
Looks like a great intuitive tool for (NON-automated) facial anim

More details as they come to hand.

Thursday, September 16, 2004

Sunday, September 12, 2004

C2P-Curve to Plate

(modeler plugin)
Turn splines into poly ribbons - for manga hair

Make antennas swing when ant moving

Add softfx to the body with a weightmap for the antennae. When the object moves, so will the antennae.


Will create simple clothing for characters by selecting the skin polygons and activating the plug-in.

"Simply select polygons on a character that define the area for which you are tailoring and run the plug-in.

The panel for surface naming and color selection will remember values between uses in the same session of modeler."

FPrime Viewer

"FPrime Viewer is a Windows application that allows you to view FPrime final renders, which can look quite different than FPrime preview renders. It has the following features:

1. Images are automatically and seemlessly updated as they are refined by FPrime.
2. You can scrub through your frames and even play animations.
3. You can view images remotely across a network."

Smartskin, knees and JointMorphPlus

Discussion about joint morph setup, stemming from someone's problems with their knee setup - leads to discussion of various methods, opinions on whether jointmorphplus is necessary or are weightmaps enough, and so on...

Friday, September 10, 2004

Electricity Effect

Tute and files

FWAK blog

The FWAK BLOG is the links site/weblog of Eddie and Lili, creative directors of FWAK! ANIMATION, a Sydney-based animation studio. In 2004, Eddie and Lili are in Los Angeles, working on Mucha Lucha, which they created.

Monday, September 06, 2004

Sunday, September 05, 2004

Saturday, September 04, 2004

Cabbage Patch Forums

Tutes, Interviews but most importantly
Lightwave and Motionbuilder monthly competition forums

Thursday, September 02, 2004

Car modeling vid tutes

A series of vids, spline modeling a car then detail. Total over 3 gigs (!)