Saturday, September 17, 2005

Smellybugs Maquette Tutorial

Awesome Maquette tute covers everything from taking the 2D concept art, building armature, scultping, baking and painting, right to final painted model.

Friday, September 16, 2005

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Resize tool from Picatrix

Creates a bounding box around the object which allows resizing and scaling based on a movable axis.

Sunday, September 11, 2005


And VIDEO TUTE for Gromme texturing

Awesome Zbrush character work

Monkey Business

Great thread on spinquad talking about texture mapping coins

Bum map is 16 bit - "that way you can really crank up the bump without noise."

Saturday, September 10, 2005


Had free Graffiti textures
and other free textures

3Dcreative mag

Downloadable mag for purchase. Lite version is 26 pages, free, to suss out.

Full is $4USD. Current issue is #1 Sept 05

Mesh Outfreakage and weight map issues

I've been thru this once before and then again recently, so here is the drill for my own reference and anyone else who might find this useful.

Alter rest length to adjust bone length/size. Otherwise you will distort your mesh unpredictably.

To fix, revert scale to 1 in all 3 axis, and multiply the REST LENGTH by the inverse of the former scale to get the length you want.

Tiny bones and weight map issues:
I found tiny bones would drive weight maps fine, but other nearby bones seemed to effect the edges of that weightmapped area, as if the tiny bone could not maintain influence over its whole weightmap and was overridden by movement of the bigger bone nearby. Adjust rest length to something more in proportion and problem fixed. (We are talking about a bone which had been about a tenth or hundredth the size of the other bone.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Some Lscripts

Load & Save Camera
Make Ortho Camera
Shadow lights

Thursday, September 01, 2005