Monday, February 28, 2005

Monday, February 21, 2005

Cloth wrinkles discussion

Morphs + ClothFX

ClothFX falloff discussion

Spline modeling discussion and troubleshooting

Sharp/Smooth Splines

Direct link to ZIP

"For those people doing work with splines, this plugin allows you to split multiple splines (make them have sharp corners) at wherever you have selected points, or, if the selection is multiple splines, it with smooth across their joins. This does away with the faffing of splitting splines using the standard LW method, and means you can put this dual sharpening/smoothing function on ctrl-s (the standard LW hotkey for just smoothing)"

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Holy shit powered motor bikes

Has anyone seen this, I've spent exactly 4 seconds looking at this so I don't know if it's a published comic or online. if it IS online then I think it might be the best looking online comic I've ever seen.

edit: This was meant to go to TML, but problaby warrants a post here anyway

Monday, February 14, 2005

Fi's UvChalk is up to 0.8.1


From the Newtek thread:
"It's really coming along. Tablet support, a tool brush menu and FREE!"

Looks great for blocking out textures on the WACOM

Saturday, February 12, 2005

applyIKFK & poobySpine updated for LW8.2

"I added Match Goal Orientation to vFollowerPlus and also included a new plugin called ccLock that sets the incoming curve type for a keyframe. poobySpine has been changed to deal with a LW8.2 problem."

Thursday, February 10, 2005

Dexus's Modeler plugins

- Ultimate edge spin
- Switch active UV (continuous) for multi UV vertex**
- Splits edge on a half

** This one looks particularly handy to me at least - In UV work you can switch to the shared UV point

Tutes for particle FX etc

About $15US each - worth a look
Sandstorm, water etc
Fire coming soon

Tuesday, February 08, 2005


"A motion plugin that enhances and replaces noisy channel by adding the ability to envelope the speed and scale of the noise."

NOTE: Twitch apparently does not work over network rendering: Newtek Thread
you'd need to bake everything first

Plugin page also has:
SOLO - "A collections of six LScripts that add modeler like visibility functionality to layout."

Saturday, February 05, 2005

COHEN's plugin site


Maestro -- Char Rig and Anim plugin for LW

Commercial plugin coming soon, demo vids at the link

Update -
More videos:


Stretchy bones:
2 threads:-
available in this long thread: HERE
BUT also has own thread: HERE

This does as below, nothing you couldn't do in LW using expressions, but much easier to set up....

Select any objects or bones which you may wish to make stretchy (able to scale them in the x/y/z whilst it's children remain the same size)
Apply the generic plugin MGMakeStretchyGN.Now you can use the Stretch tool on the items, without this affecting their children.

How it works:

This will add a child bone to the item, and apply the Motion plugin MGStretchCompIA to it, which compensates for any scale modifications done to
it's parent. It will also reparent the stretchy item's child to this new compensator bone, so they won't be affected by their parent. It also hides
the compensator bone and locks it from selection. If you want to adjust this bone, use the Scene editor to select it.

MGStretchCompIA has toggles for X/Y/Z channels,so you can switch them off individually if necessary.